Who we are: The long version

Mold Inspection Testing is a division of Informed Decisions Environmental Inspection Services and is considered a premier mold, indoor air quality and environmental inspection provider for both residential and commercial properties. Our consultants are expertly trained and certified professionals with a number of accredidations including the Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario and the International Association of Certified Indoor air Consultants.

Additionally, we are Certified Master Inspectors (CMI) who also hold the designation of Technical Specialist with The Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT). We have a medical doctor as a member of our team that can assist you with any of your health concerns and questions and even make house calls (if required).

Lastly , our team is able to assist with all environmental, grow op and indoor air quality concerns. Since 1991, we have dealth with all kinds of environmental assessments across Ontario.

Who we are: Coles Notes

  • Many years of Experience with Leading Credentials
  • Certified Master Inspector (CMI)
  • Technical Specialist with the Ontario Asociation of Certified Engineering Technicians & Technologists
  • Indoor Air Quality 2 (IAQ2) Certified
  • Member of the Occupational Hygiene Association of Ontario
  • We have a Medical Doctor, and all levels of professionals on our team
  • We use state of the art equipment with all inspections
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