Mold Myths
Mold Myths When it comes to mold there is an abundance of misinformation available out there. Which can prove costly for homeowners in terms of their health, wellness and finances. Below you will find a list of mold myths that lead to the common misconception. MYTH: Bleach and other retail products remove mold. FACT: Most…
Read the restCould Air Pollution Contribute to Premature Birth?
Could Air Pollution Contribute to Premature Birth? Could air pollution contribute to premature birth? A new study suggests that thousands of premature births in the U. S. could be linked to air pollution. Researchers have been looking into the severity of exposure to particulate matter on the economy and our health. Particulate matter are tiny…
Read the restGo green
Go green Before reading deep into this article, I invite you to look around. View your surroundings. Now stop for a minute and think to yourself, how much of this could be a risk to your health? Perhaps it is important to consider, what going green not only does for the environment. But…
Read the restAir Pollution
It’s time we start thinking of air pollution as something that has a huge impact in how long we live. Air pollution, believe it or not, it the 4th leading killer after high blood pressure, dietary risks and smoking. In fact, more people die from air pollution than from alcohol and drug abuse…
Read the restNew Bacteria Linked To Lyme Disease
New Bacteria Linked To Lyme Disease According to a U.S health agency, there is a new bacteria linked to Lyme disease in humans. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention worked along with the Mayo Clinic and found that the bacteria called Borellia mayonii may also contribute to Lyme disease. Up until now the only bacteria…
Read the restProtect Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Poisioning
How To Protect Yourself from Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide is a colourless odorless gas that lurks around homes and can cause serious illness or even dealth. A significant indoor air quality culprit and contributing factor to a toxic home, know how to protect yourself from Carbon monoxide poisioning and how to prevent a sick home. A power…
Read the restDecorating Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality
Decorating Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality Believe it or not, but decorating choices during a construction or a renovation project within your home could be compromising your indoor air quality. Recent studies indicate that your decor choices could be negatively impacting the indoor air quality in your home, thus impacting the health and well being of…
Read the restFormaldehyde Exposure Risks & Your Health
Formaldehyde Exposure Risks & Your Health The 12th report released by the National Toxicology Program featured a discussion on Formaldehyde as a Carcinogen that could be found in quiet annoying quantities in indoor spaces. As a potential carcinogen, it’s important to take note of formaldehyde exposure risks and how they may impact your health and well-being. Formaldehyde is considered…
Read the restSick Building Syndrome: Is Your Home Sick?
Sick Building Syndrome: Is Your Home Sick? How clean is the air in your home? Our indoor air quality can be compromised by a wide variety of different airborne contaminants hiding with our home. From radon, VOC’s, formaldehyde, mold and dust mites, the air in our homes might be making us sick? But how do you…
Read the restDo I Need Mold Testing?
Do I Need Mold Testing? Have you or a member of your family been experiencing allergies, recurring congestion, runny nose, sneezing or frequent headaches? If so, there is a very good likelyhood that you may have a mold contamination lurking somewhere hidden within you home that may be contributing to Sick Building Syndrome. Even if…
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